Thursday, January 11, 2007

Happy Birthday to me

This picture is from one our ward took when we first moved in. I thought it was funny how they put our names all big and bold under our faces. Anyway.... I had an awesome birthday! I went to a ward potluck thing and they sang to me there. Ethan was home when I got home and he cleaned the house while I napped (how cool is that?) Ethan gave me a broom vac and a gift cert. for an one hour massage!
We dropped Logan off at our friend's house and we went to dinner at the Melting Pot. It's a fondue Restaurant. We started off with a cheese fondue with bread and veggies for dipping. Then we each got a salad. Our Entree consisted of hot vegetable stock which has fresh herbs, garlic, spices, mushrooms, and burgundy wine in it. This part was really fun, we had chicken, beef sirloin, shrimp, DUCK, pork, and potstickers for cooking. And they serve it with all sorts of dipping sauces and cheese sauces. The sirloin was actually probably the best tasting. For some reason I wasn't expecting the meat to come out raw, I thought you just dipped it in the oil for flavor or something. I had never done fondue like that before, very cool. And my favorite part was next, the CHOCOLATE fondue! I think I let Ethan have one strawberry. They also had marshmellows, cheesecake, poundcake, bannanas, and pineapple (I didn't like it with chocolate).
When Ethan made the reservations he told them it was my birthday so they put us in this little private booth with a curtain. It was so much fun. We saw Night at the Museum afterwards and it was really good. Probably the best birthday ever!
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Amie said... 1

What an awesome night out!! I've never tried the melting pot. I guess you give it two thumbs up, eh? Happy Birthday Ashley!!

Anonymous said... 2

I just found out that we have a Melting Pot restaurant here in SLC. We will have to try it. It sounds great.
I'm surprised that you even let Ethan have ONE chocolate covered strawberry
Glad you had such a wonderful birthday.

Anonymous said... 3

Woo, Woo private booth and everything! It sounds like you had a really great day. What a guy you have there! I wish we had a melting pot restaurant here, it sounds like a lot of fun.

The Bluths said... 4

Well they have one in Portland :)

glo said... 5

Happy Birthday! And I gotta get some chocolate fondue...