Saturday, January 13, 2007

New Hair Color

I got my hair dyed today. She straightened it too. This is a picture of me with my new hair. That's all.

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Anonymous said... 1

You look like you're auditioning for Spy vs Spy. Pretty cool. I like the color and straight is fun for a change.

PDgirl said... 2

You look like the girl from THe Incredibles. Heheh, I like it, it's a pretty color. And the face you're making is very nice.

Amie said... 3

Oooh, HOT!! What color is it? I love it. How long will your hair stay straight? (or was it a perm?) Lookin' good girl!

The Bluths said... 4

It will stay straight as long as I don't get it wet. So not very long.

Dena said... 5

It does have a reddish tint to it. Very nice

Anonymous said... 6

You like you should be given a number of 008 - inasmuch as 007 is already taken.
Cute girl behind those glasses and darkend hair

the McLaughlin's said... 7

Those sunglasses remind me of fly eyes. Are you really a fly with fly eyes that need shade from the many rays of sun?