Monday, July 9, 2007

My buddy and me

Here's Logan and his best pal Hunter. They play so well together. We went to their house for dinner on Sunday and found our Hunter's mom is expecting! Hunter is 2 months younder than Logan.
I've been busy helping Dondra paint the upcoming baby's room. The most complicated wall is finished, but I'll wait to post pictures till after it's done.

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Anonymous said...

Hunter is a cute little boy. It's good you found something to do indoors, it's toooooo hot to go outside!!

Amie said...

Congrats to Eric and Shauna!! =)

I bet Dondra can not WAIT to get this pregnancy over with. My sister in law is due any day now too and she's miserable, swollen feet, etc. This is when I had Sean 8 years ago and I remember not so fondly the swollen feet!