Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. Here's what we've been up to.

Ethan's mom sent us a gingerbread cookie mix so we made cookies and graham cracker houses on Wednesday night. Caitlin straightened my hair too, which was nice to not have to hassle with this week.

Logan liked the suckers. He thought the gumdrops were 'yucky'.

My homemade apple pie. I guess it is my Thanksgiving tradition now to always make an apple pie. I tried a different pattern for the top crust this year.

Ethan made his first Turkey! We're very proud. It had a honey glaze on it. Ethan and I also made broccoli with cheese sauce, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, and had pies for dessert. I also have to mention that Dondra (my cousin's wife) brought over rolls on Wednesday night so I didn't have to make any for the dinner. It was wonderful of her to think of us like that.
I did try and make more rolls the next day so we could use them with leftovers, but my yeast must have been bad because they didn't rise so it was a good thing I had her rolls to save me!

Tristan (my brother), Terri (wife), and Caitlin (Ethan's sister) and us went to see the movie "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium". Usually we would see a movie on Thanksgiving, but we didn't have enough time so we went Friday before Tristan and Terri left.

Caitlin left today, Logan wanted to go too. He sure liked having her around.

Black Friday? I had my cousin Dondra get stuff for me at Kohls since she goes at 4 in the morning. I went to Walgreens at 7:30 to get some candles. (They have some that are very fragrant and were on sale). After I got Caitlin going we went to Target (I only got make-up remover) and Kohls to look at jewelry for a gift from Ethan to me. I didn't want to stand in line so I didn't get anything. I feel like my shopping was a waste, but we really didn't have any huge items on our list this year.
See web album for more Thanksgiving pictures.


tiff snedaker said... 1

Your hair looks so pretty straight! I love it. WTG on everything you did for Thanksgiving, that's a lot of work! How was the movie you saw? I want to see that one but was wondering if it would be any good. I got those same candles from Walgreens, I've never actually used them but have heard good things about them :)

Amie said... 2

You hair looks great! I really like it. And the pie looks awesome; very good job. Did you like the movie? I heard good things about it.

Anonymous said... 3

Glad you enjoyed the gingerberead cookies. I'm going to make the graham cracker houses with Jamie next week. The pie is gorgeous and you need to buy a roaster! Congrats to Ethan on his first turkey. It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. I like your hair, I know it's a lot of work but looks great.

Darren and Traci said... 4

I totally didn't recognize you in the first picture. I glanced at it before I read what you wrote and was thinking, I want to see what it looks like straight, it wasn't until I was done reading and relooked that I noticed it was you. Crazy that straight hair can change your look so much, it looks really good.

Davis Family said... 5

Your hair looks awesome! That's one hot pregnant chick! :) (don't worry-this is Kelli posting, haha!)

Anonymous said... 6

Wow that turket looks yummy! And your hair looks so cute straight!! -Brooke