Saturday, June 21, 2008


We went to Cibola Vista today with Dondra and her kids. Her parents own a timeshare here and it was so much fun and only about 20 minutes away. Gavin went swimming for the first time, Logan wore goggles for the first time, and Ethan and I got to go down a water slide. Good way to spend a hot morning.I wasn't planning on putting Gavin in the water so I didn't have a swimsuit for him. Just his clothes.
Aren't these pictures great for coming from my camera phone? I forgot to bring my camera with me so this post cost me 50 cents. :)


Lois Shepherd said...

I understand it was pretty hot there in Arizona. So the water looks quite refreshing for you. Great memories.

Anonymous said...

What a fun time! Gavin has a pretty confused look on his face. Did Logan's spiderman suit work in the water? Great pictures for a camera phone. (Blu Grandma)

Amie said...

Wow those ARE good for a camera phone! I never would have known! Your bubble pictures came out great and the water park looks like great fun.