Monday, May 11, 2009

I won a giveaway!!!

*EDIT* I will be doing my own giveaway tomorrow. Stay tuned!
Actually I won 3, but one was REALLY good.

Check out these shoes by Vincent.

I entered a giveaway on the babes and kids blog.
And I won a $50 gift cert. to Vincent shoes!

I got these ones for Logan. He had a pair of theirs when he was younger and they were my favorite until he grew out of them. (Now I'm excited for Gavin to wear them.)
Also on the same site I won this baby Orajel. Great because Gavin is teething right now :)

Yes I mentioned I won 3 things.
So where's the third?
Well, I haven't received it yet, but it is a case of FAGE (fa-yeh) yogurt.
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tiff snedaker said...

Love the shoes! I love Vincent's line, very cute. Glad you got the orajel so quickly too! I think I'm going to be working with Vincent again in the fall. Cool you won a case of yogurt too!
Thanks for reading and entering :)

Anonymous said...

How fun!!! Isn't it great to get free stuff! Rachel won a giveaway from Clorox once and won a whole buch of cleaning products, and I actually won a huge set of Tupperware years ago and am still using it. (Blu Gramma)

S. Fantasia said...

Lucky duck!

Amie said...

awesome! so fun to win stuff!

Jenna said...

So awesome, I'm glad you got your shoes!

Stephanie said...

Those shoes are super cute! He'll be stylin' this summer, for sure. :)