Sunday, June 7, 2009

Batman came to dinner

Since it was Logan's birthday, he got to wear his mask to dinner.

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tiff snedaker said...

Happy Birthday to Logan! Can you believe you have a 4 year old? His party looks like it was a lot of fun. That's a lot of water balloons.

Amie said...

what restaurant is that?

Shauna@shwinandshwin said...

Awesome mask! I have the same one :) I am so glad you are cool enough to let him wear it to dinner. If only Jude could be cool enough to want to wear a mask instead of screaming about wearing underwear as a hat...

Anonymous said...

Where did you guys go eat?!

wittygal said...

I know you said it was Logan's brithday but I didn't see him in any of the pictures. I guess Batman ate him!

Lois Shepherd said...

Looks like Logan's party was a real success, You two do a great job. Great pictures.