Saturday, June 6, 2009

Logan turns 4 today!

I made this cake for his birthday party.
Unfortunately they didn't peel off my wax paper as nicely as I would have wanted. (I frosted them on paper then froze them, then peeled and placed them on the cake.)

There will be more pictures later...
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Adaptable Kay said...

I think the cake turned out great :D
And Happy Birthday wishes to the little one!

Mark and Jessica said...

Happy Birthday, Logan! The cake turned out great and I'm sure Logan loves it. Good job.

Torrie said...

Looks Good! I bet Logan LOVED it!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you make Macey's bday cake!!!

News Around The Blogs said...

How creative with cake decorating!!

You asked me about Old Navy Weekly, well you never know when they reset, it's part of the "fun" you just have to keep check it.