Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oregon vacation part 1

We're in Oregon!

...and it's still hot...

Logan has been playing with his cousin Jake nonstop.

We went to the Oregon coast on Monday. Here was our backyard view.

And here was the front yard view!

It was Logan's first time at the ocean. He really liked playing in the rocks and water.

In this video towards the end you'll see him teetering towards the sea. Right after that he got knocked over by a wave and was soaked.
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Amie said... 1

I *heart* the oregon coast! I want to retire there!! What fun you must be having!

Mark and Jessica said... 2

How pretty and alot cooler than here, I'm sure.

Jenna said... 3

That looks so fun. It reminds me of visiting my grandparents growing up. Same rocky beaches, so adventurous and beautiful! A great place to explore as a kid.

Lois Shepherd said... 4

Looks like you had a GREAT vacation. We always loved going to Washington/Oregon to visit our friends. Beautiful country.