What our Sunday consisted of...

Gavin is only fooling you; he's just trying to climb on the bed. But the other 2 were napping (I was too until Gavin woke up).
(I had to put this picture on here because it is rare to catch Ethan napping.)
We had Stake Conference today and it was really nice.
I sang in the choir and we had Marlin K. Jensen from the Presidency of the Seventy speak to us.
He is one of my favorite speakers during General Conference so it was a treat to have him speak a couple feet away from me.
In other news:
I took down Zoe's kennel and now she just sleeps in the hallway on her bed. Takes up A LOT less room.
Logan starts preschool on Monday (tomorrow!)
Gavin can sign: 'More', 'please', 'all done', 'milk' and he can say "thank you" and "cracker" and "ball". Ethan also taught him how to pump his fist when he says, "yes!"
And it's our 6th anniversary on the 22nd (Saturday).
Gavin is only fooling you; he's just trying to climb on the bed. But the other 2 were napping (I was too until Gavin woke up).
(I had to put this picture on here because it is rare to catch Ethan napping.)
We had Stake Conference today and it was really nice.
I sang in the choir and we had Marlin K. Jensen from the Presidency of the Seventy speak to us.
He is one of my favorite speakers during General Conference so it was a treat to have him speak a couple feet away from me.
In other news:
I took down Zoe's kennel and now she just sleeps in the hallway on her bed. Takes up A LOT less room.
Logan starts preschool on Monday (tomorrow!)
Gavin can sign: 'More', 'please', 'all done', 'milk' and he can say "thank you" and "cracker" and "ball". Ethan also taught him how to pump his fist when he says, "yes!"
And it's our 6th anniversary on the 22nd (Saturday).
I saw you singing--the choir did great!
Elder Jensen was AMAZING! I wish you could have heard him speak on Saturday. It was fun doing choir with you.
I cant believe it we just got back from the redwoods and the coast! that is crazy. U look so good. Rock climbing you are crazy!
I Gavin was sleeping with his little bum in the air....hahah tricky!! I love when babies do that and wondered... :)
Happy Anni!! I hope you have good one! That's my sisters bday too! :)
great job on the choir! that one song with the high sopranos at the end was amazing!
Love the picture.....Why was Logan sleeping in your bed?
As a narcoleptic myself, I approve of the family nap session. Good use of a Sunday afternoon.
Glad to see Ethan taking time out for a little rest sometimes. That is what Sundays are for. Gavin is pretty cute - laying there for the picture.
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