Perfect ward camp out
In no particular order...
Our family
Our family
I'm not the "just let them get dirty" kind of mom. I can't believe I let him play in the dirt. That was tough to clean up.
Here is a video attempt of trying to get Gavin to walk. I took about 6 of these...
And FINALLY we get him walking on camera.
He's walking!!! hurray!! Our ward campout is this next weekend, it sure would be a lot more fun if you guys were here. Love the videos, so fun.
How cute! I love Gavin walking....he is so funny!! Glad you guys had fun camping!!
Kyla says thanks for the tutorial Gavin, I will work on your lessons!
Go Gavin! So cute! You look great even without makeup by the way. Glad you had a good time!
Cyrena is watching the video of Gavin with me and she just keeps exclaiming, "Gavin's walking!!" We had an AWESOME time camping with you guys. Fun memories.
Great videos. This one of Gavin walking is a real KEEPER. It's always so exciting to see them walk for the first time. Cute boys.
Nobody puts my Baby in a corner
We wish we could have made it to the camp out! We had company over, so I didn't feel right about leaving them! :) Glad you guys had so much fun!!
Way fun with the walking! So four families at the campout right? what's up with that? Do you think it was the rain?
haha the video of Gavin in the corner and Ethan trying to get him to walk totally made me laugh, it looks like he is holding a dog treat out for a pet. Funny how sometimes being a parent does feel like you are just a zoo keeper, so funny. And I love the last video of everyone getting in on his walking, cute cute.
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