Monday, December 20, 2010

"Happy Holidays" is what Terrorists say; Merry Christmas from the Bluths

Look what we got!

We just got our solar panels installed last week. You interested in doing them too? If you refer us we'll splint the $400 incentive with you.

Our kids love donuts on Saturday mornings.
Jane can eat a whole one by herself.

One day I heard Jane whining behind the couch, she had her head stuck in the dog door. It was pretty funny. Then she kept going back there to look outside since it was raining. I wish I got the picture of her head stuck, but this will have to do.

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Natalie Smith said...

Who doesn't LOVE donuts ANY day! haha

My lil' sister growing up would always play in the doggie door. It is a silly sight!

wittygal said...

Happy Holidays and watch your back!
Love all of the Christmas cheer on your blog!