Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

(Since my sister didn't email me the pics, I'm going to steal them from her blog.)
We spent Thanksgiving at my sister's house with her in-laws.

I made a zebra cheesecake, but it didn't look as awesome as the one below...

The best part of Thanksgiving?
Jane pooped in the potty all by herself for the 1st time.
It was a thanksgiving miracle.


tiff snedaker said... 1

Looks like a wonderful day. The Zebra Cheesecake idea is awesome. WTG Jane!

Jessica P. said... 2

Glad you had a fun Thanksgiving! I like the zebra cheesecake, what a great idea!

Unknown said... 3

Ahh, now I see why it was called zebra cheesecake. YOurs was still really pretty

Julie said... 4

Way to go Jane! And that cheesecake looks divine!