9 years ago
Logan sure loves to dance, here he is caught in the middle of one of his moves. I just bought a new CD for him called Primary Colors and he started bobbin' his head right when I put it in. It has primary songs on it sung a capella.
Whose eyes are these? Uncle Tristan? Or Omi?
9:12 PM
Cute, Ashley! He's such a doll! How's potty training going? I've been thinking about starting Devon potty training for her momma. She just turned 2. Is Logan 2 yet? He already looks bigger--seeing him last week for the first time after a couple of months! They grow SO FAST!
Logan looks like he's about to use the Crane Technique on someone.
He is so cute. I love that age. I might go to the park tomorrow it depends on when Rylyn wakes up from her nap. Also I have a doctors appointment at 11:15 so I might not be able to make it. Hey how do you post video clips on your page?
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