Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Temple lights

We went with our friends the Deans to look at the lights at the Mesa Temple. It rained on our way there and our way back, but luckily it wasn't while we were walking around.
Logan and Cyrena love riding in the double stroller together.
My nose gets red when its cold...
I realized I never took a photo with my good friend Jenna. So here we are, even though my outfit looks quite silly.

We got home pretty late, but I was going visiting teaching the next day and needed to make cookies so I was up pretty late. Logan woke up this day throwing up on my bed (yuck). Despite the lack of an appetite, he seems okay now. After the Deans went home, that night Cyrena was throwing up. Guess there's no stopping it when they hang out all the time.
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Amie said... 1

Poor kiddos...hopefully they get over it quickly! Isn't the temple looking awesome? I love the color-changing luminaries in the fountain. =)

Aricka said... 2

Yes they were snow drops. Before their snow drop lives they were wreaths. I broke of the balls from the wreaths and frosted them white to make them look like snowballs. The ones that are just broke in half I am making into caterpillars for my kids.

Stevendena said... 3

very nice picture of the three and half of you with the lights in the back.

tiff snedaker said... 4

Oh - I bet the temple lights were beautiful! Sorry Logan wasn't feeling so great.

Eliza Brock said... 5

the lights are beautiful. I didn't know it got cold in AZ. HA!