Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Despite having a super sore throat and a nasty cough, my birthday was pretty good. Here is my stash. Ethan brought me flowers when he came home from work today (I hear they smell really good. I wish I could smell them). From Ethan all I am asking for my birthday is that he puts a ceiling light in the baby room (easier said than done since there is no spot on the ceiling for one, he has to make one from scratch.)
My good friend Jenna made me a chocolate cake and got me some ink pads that I've been wanting. She's too sweet. I also went to bath and body works and got this whole assortment of goodies, but technically it was my Christmas present from Ethan sister. Thanks Jessica!

I choose to go to Fudruckers for dinner. They have good milkshakes and I wanted one :)
This is a picture of when our buzzing pager went off. I think it startled Ethan?

Just the 3 1/2 of us. I'm 30 weeks today.

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Amie said...

Happy birthday Ashley! Enjoy your new goodies!

S. Fantasia said...


Toni said...

Happy birthday! Your hair is always so stinkin' gorgeous.

Candace said...

Happy Late Birthday! I feel so out of the loop these days. Cody is home from school today with strep throat...I'm dreading who will get it next.

Steven Shepherd said...

Happy B'day from Papa

Love Ya!

Herbert Family said...

Happy Birthday. Justin's Birthday was on the 9th. I should probably put that on my blog:)

Kendra said...

I didn't know it was your birthday! Happy Birthday! My mom's birthdat is on the 10th too. It's a good day.

Cassie said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Yours is the same as my little nephew who's now 8. Glad you had a great day. I love a day with presents and cake!!!

Eliza Brock said...

I have to agree with my sister on your hair, love it, wish I had more of it! Happy birthday and your a cute pregnant woman! Ha!

tiff snedaker said...

Happy Birthday!!! I love your comment on the 3 1/2 of you :) Glad to hear you had a good day!

Ashley Dickman said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Ashley!
You look great! What a fun little family you are going to have!

Aricka said...

Well Happy Birthday. How old are you now? I know 4 kids is crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way. Yes there are hard times but more good then hard. I am glad I have four healthy kids. I can't wait to see your new little baby.