Saturday, May 16, 2009

Noodles and shoes

I wanted to get Logan some tennis shoes, found these babies at Walmart for $10.

They make him run fast.
Gross or awesome?
You decide.
(Note: this was for the KIDS and not for us.)
Gavin just being Gavin, all cute and stuff.

Be sure to enter my blinkblots and UPrinting giveaway and the contest.
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Anonymous said...

Ok....what are the noodle things and where did you get the idea? Do the noodles go all the way through the hot dog? Did the boys like them? Gavin does look all cute and stuff. Awesome shoes Logan! (Blu Gramma)

The Bluths said...

Yeah I cut the hotdog, stuck dry spaghetti through it and just threw it in the boiling water and they cooked together.

Anonymous said...


The Evans said...

I use grocery smarts for my coupon stuff. I can't believe you go to the blog News around the Blog. I know her. She is in my friends ward. Small world. Love the hot dogs. I am going to have to do that. Hope I win your give aways!oh and gavin is so cute. Those little ones sure know how to turn on the cuteness

Malie said...

How do you get the spaghetti and hot dogs to do that?