Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mother's day present

For mother's day Jenna and I decided we wanted to go to this salon that specializes in curly hair.
We went today and had a blast. They taught me a lot of techniques that I'm going to try. One thing they tell you to do is not wash it everyday and really only 2-3 times a week. That's going to be hard for me.
Here is my hair before they did anything to it.
After washing it, geling it, and putting clips up in it, they set me under the dryer (because the best way to dry curly hair is to let it air dry.)

Here is Jenna after they washed and dryed hers. Onto the styling.
Styling mine.
Here is Jenna's after:
A bit different than she usually wears it.
Here is my after:
It was a little fuzzy in the front because I had asked my stylist to show me how to do some new dos so she played around with it a bit.

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Amie said...

sounds like a fun time!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I miss the states! Jane looks just like Logan in the picture of her by herself at the front door.

Travis and Heather said...

Um that sounds like absolute heaven.
Do they have salon's that specialize in people that no longer take time to do their hair. I need to go to one of those.