Sunday, July 31, 2011


Because of our move coming up, Ethan and I have set aside a weekend every week to de-clutter a room of the house. This weekend was our closet. I couldn't believe all this could even fit in our closet!

When we move we only want to move the things we want to keep. And we don't want to keep a lot.

I've mentioned before how Ethan and I want to go minimalist. One of the things they say to do when de-cluttering is to take a picture of your sentimental things instead of keeping the actual object. So that is what I did with all my art work from high school.

This is fabric...
This is a painting I did in 4th grade of myself. It got picked to be displayed. I can't believe I'm finally throwing it away, but now I'll always have a picture of it.

Our closet looks so much better now. Next week we are doing our bedroom.

Jane is learning how to do Book of Mormon stories and it's ubber cute.

Logan is going to watch this video when his is older and find it hilarious.


Jessica P. said...

I can't believe how much stuff you had in your closet but you've inspired me to start decluttering! And Logan has got some sweet moves, funny kid!! :)

Natalie Smith said...

Doesn't organizing feel wonderful..looks like you worked very hard :-)

Hunnie said...

I just went through the exact same thing! Cleaning out feels awesome! Enjoy!

Shannon said...

Love the video of Jane and Gavin, too cute, can I come learn too?! :) Logan's got some moves too!! :)

Stephanie Watkins said...

You're inspirational! Congrats on your decluttering success. And congrats on the upcoming move!

Jenna said...

I LOVE decluttering, I think I could do it all day if I didn't have kids interrupting! Great videos, see you tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

ashley, the fabric drawing is pretty darn good. i think you ought to think about framing it and hanging it in your new laundry room.


Anonymous said...

I hadn't checked the blog in a while and am happy to see such fun stuff. I love to declutter as you well know. Such a good feeling to get rid of things and realize what you have. Your move will be soooo much simpler now. Love the videos, Jane looks so cute following along and can't wait to see Logan do more karate. Funny how Gavin wants to do whatever Logan does.

Grandma Wynn said...

wow, you drew that fabric picture?! That is amazing, I never knew you were such a good artist! Had a blast spending time with you guys. I am sad though because I didn't get a picture of you and I. Hopefully we won't need pictures and we will live there soon :)