What a week!
This week has been crazy!
1. Logan started 1st grade in Verrado. I drive him there and back twice a day.
...it got old after the 2nd day. But I have only until October 7th to do it.
2. My good friend Rachael Wynn came to visit (from Italy!) with her 3 kids and stayed for the week.
She cooked us dinner every night and watched the kids when I would have to take/pickup Logan from school.
3. Ethan and Jane left on Thursday for Utah to go to my neice Natalie's baptism.
4. Thursday night I got Pneumonia.
Very unexpected. I was putting the boys to bed and felt a kink in my neck, which turned into chills which turned into full body stiffness which turned into me coughing up orange stuff.
It was awful, so the next morning I drove Logan to school and went to Urgent Care. They did a chest X ray (my first) and saw the pneumonia. It was cool to see my bones and chest cavity, I've never had an X ray.
They gave me a shot of antibiotics (in the bum) and I just about passed out.
(If you know me, you know I have had a needle phobia in the past.)
I think that almost passing out is the worst feeling I have ever felt in the world.
Second would be getting my IV flushed at the hospital.
What's yours?
Yikes!!! Do you need anything?
Wow Ashley!! That was quite a week! How are you feeling? I sure wish we were closer, I could help with the kids so you could recover. I could come over and watch them for you while you take Logan to school now that your Italian buddy is gone. I bought my ticket for Time Out For Women, when it gets closer, I'll get us the hotel.
What a week is right! So your next house is going to be done in October? I can't believe school has started there, Chan doesn't start for another 2 1/2 weeks. Hope you get feeling better, take it easy!
At least it's over!! It's amazing when things like that happen, it sure makes us grateful for modern medicine and good health!
You did have one X-ray when you were 4 months old and had Bronchiolitis. It was horrible for me. They strapped you in a contraption that held you with your arms up and when you would take a breath from screaming they would snap the x-ray
Hope you feel better!!! Yikes!
My worst feeling, flying and 2nd, watching cancer being cut off my grams face, I ALMOST passed out....a week later I had found out I was actually pregnant with Gavin so that prob. didn't help either.
Hope your house is coming along, thanks for the advice on the panels we are calling them soon!
Wow woman, crazy week!! You feeling better? You still doing aerobics? Good luck on the house, so fun!
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