Saturday, June 20, 2009

Don't eat for 30 minutes

Logan gave Gavin his first oreo.

Logan wanted to hold Gavin and usually he tries to squirm away, but this time something caught his eye and he just sat there.

Perfect picture moment.

We went swimming this afternoon and the boys loved it.
(That is Gavin's hat that Ethan is wearing, not his own.)

Me getting ready to squirt Logan.

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And last but not least, Gavin saying his first (and only) word so far.


Jenna said...

Cute pictures and video. Love him saying his first word, that's awesome!! I'm glad you had a good time swimming, that pool looks nice! Now I want an oreo... darn.

Brooke said...

Fun Pool pictures, your suit is so cute!! That video is sweet ;o)

Heidi Joncas said...

I love your comment on my blog! I am the same way. I worked in a preschool and had to sub for the 1 year old class. I was not a fan. I am glad she was good for you. She was just getting you ready to have a girl in your house.

Lois Shepherd said...

What fun you have in the swimming pool. It's great for the boys to have this "water-fun". That's great that Gavin said his first word. Cute video.

Stephanie Watkins said...

I love the picture of Logan holding Gavin. Priceless. They are starting to look more alike I think.